A solar eclipse, especially when shared with others, can remind us we are all part of the same vast and amazing universe. The leaders in our Wellness Village hope to help you open your heart to this amazing experience.
Wellness Village Schedule

Workshop Descriptions
Soul Collage®, with Licia Weber
SoulCollage® is the practice of making collage cards that invite an intuitive self-discovery process – a visual doorway to one’s inner wisdom. Significant to the practice is writing and sharing these insights within a safe community. Access deep intuitive wisdom through imagery, collage, and writing. Participants move toward creating a deck of collaged cards that evoke innate healing, self-discovery, and surprising inspirational forays!
About Licia and Women Writing for (a) Change
Licia has been a Certified SoulCollage® Facilitator and Women Writing for a Change Facilitator since 2017, and loves the compatible nature of these two empowering, nurturing practices. Now retired, holding degrees in Fine Arts and Geology, Licia is called to her love of creativity and enjoying the natural world around her. She is a seeker of spirit, lover of life and the outdoors, artist, singer/musician, friend, mother, and caregiver of the world around her. She finds great joy in holding creative circles that shine light on the soul and invite discovery of each person’s own deep wisdom and capacity for healing.
Authentic Voicework™: Yoga of the Voice, with Stephanie Heidemann
The voice is an extension of your body and breath, and when uninhibited, singing can move your essence to flow and be shared with the world. Using the voice as the focal point of this yogic-like practice deepens our awareness and invites wisdom to transform your actions and your life. Authentic Voicework™ is a playful and powerful modality of vocal expression that yields to a more authentic and empowered life. Founded in basic singing techniques, expressive arts therapy theory, kundalini and nāda yoga, you may find this modality similar to kirtan (non-traditionally), satsang, yoga, singing circles, music therapy, spiritual ritual, and meditation. Bring a yoga mat.
About Stephanie and the Authentic Voicework Institute
Stephanie Heidemann, LMT, blends her unique background in the healing arts into her self-created and pioneering sound healing modality, “Authentic Voicework™.” Heidemann obtained a B.A. in Expressive Arts Therapy from Indiana University, Certification in Massage Therapy from the Association of Research & Enlightenment, and studied classical voice technique with Brenda Boozer (NY Metropolitan Opera). She performed nationally with an award-winning world music a cappella group, “VIDA” (IMG-Artists), receiving national acclaim (Billboard, Dirty Linen). She was lead singer for The Resonance Project and The SomaVibe Experience. Stephanie has been an artist in residence at Hermitage Artist Retreat and Hundredth Hill, and has recorded her own arrangements of early music (Sounds True, Inc.) and original music for more than 20 years.
Eclipse Yoga, with Matece Skow from Nourishing Heart Yoga
This class is a yoga flow that is both challenging and brings ease to the body and mind. In this class, students are led through a sequence that is inspired by vinyasa yoga and functional movement training. Students of all ability levels are welcomed and encouraged to refine familiar postures of yoga while building heat (read: blood flow). This hour facilitates students increasing both their pliability and strength while harmonizing mind and body. Find your strength and ease within! Bring a yoga mat.
About Matece Skow and Nourishing Heart Yoga
Matece Skow, ERYT-500, is a mother, mentor, healer, founder, and founder / director of Nourishing Heart Yoga School and Studio. She has fostered compassionate growth and healing for students and clients since 1999. A global yoga teacher, she shares the teachings from the heart. Through devotion, wisdom, and presence she embodies a unique approach to yoga and is known for facilitating safe and nurturing environments for the transformation of body and heart. Matece trains beginning and advanced yoga teachers to awaken to their capacity to teach yoga from the heart. Her 200- and 300-hour programs encourage trainees to expand physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Since 2012 she has been leading international workshops and retreats on yoga, philosophy, and the healing arts. Her online yoga classes are featured on Grokker and she guides an international community of yogis through her website.
The SomaVibe Experience
Indulge your senses and immerse yourself in a world of timelessness and flow with the SomaVibe Experience. SomaVibe is a safe and inclusive co-creative community experience with live improvised music that draws from a variety of influences and is created specifically as an accompaniment to creative movement. Whether you are a seasoned dancer seeking to enter a deep creative space, or simply looking to lose yourself in the flow of movement and sound, SomaVibe offers a safe and inclusive space for exploration and discovery. Those who choose to listen without dancing benefit from this shared experience as a setting to create their own internal journey. So come masked or unmasked, dressed to stimulate your sense of creativity and play, and join us for an unforgettable evening of exploration, transformation, and celebration. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early. We will begin promptly at 6:00pm with an invocation ceremony to kick off the event. Music starts at 6:30pm.
Dance Facilitation by:
- Amy Burrell
- Utam Moses
- Tom Clarke on woodwinds (silver flute, bamboo and bansuri flute, and soprano saxophone)
- Julian Douglas (various acoustic and electronic world percussion)
- Stephanie Heidemann (vocals)
- Norbert Herber (keyboards and atmospheres)
- Charlie Jesseph (guitar, vocals)
Soma Breathwork, with Paulina Makowska and Guillaume Jaubert
What is Soma-Breathwork and What to Expect
Breathing is the most natural and subconscious action we are doing for our survival. We do not think about breathing, we just breathe, don’t we?! Science has proven that a mindful and more conscientious way of breathing has a tremendous effect on overall health and longevity. After 5 years old we have entered an incongruous way of breathing that is conditioning the rest of our life in many ways. Therefore it is only through a set of exercises and consistent practice that we can regain control of our breath. Breathwork is a set of breathing exercises coming from ancient pranayama techniques that we have organized in a sequence for you to give you mindful ownership of your health. SOMA Breath is a unique combination of Pranayama ancient breathing techniques combined with movement to activate the full body and the specific frequencies of vibration through music and sounds to make each cell resonate and work in harmony with each other. You will go through a set of movements to fully activate the body and the brain. You will prepare for breathwork by activating the endocrine gland system that will channel the energy within you. You will practice rhythmical breathing to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and intermittent brief hypoxia to allow efficient and optimal cellular oxygenation and perfect energy production for your body’s needs. You will experience deeper relaxation, stress reliever, deep inner peace, emotional balance, self physical and emotional healing, physical pain relief, cell detoxification, deep inner joy, expanded state of consciousness, mystical connection, guidance, and clarity, receive abundance. Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket.
About Paulina and Guillaume
Paulina Makowska, LMT, Breathwork Coach, moved to Bloomington in 2008 from Poland where she trained as a Dance Movement Therapist (Polish-English Institute of Dance Movement Therapy, Warsaw). She has a Master’s in Social Science (University of Zielona-Gora), and an extensive background and licenses in Somatic Therapy and therapeutic modalities. Her work encompasses Medical Massage, Active Release Technique, Structural Energetic Therapy, Laban/Bartenieff Movement Observation and Analysis, Stott Pilates Trainer, Mindfulness and Soma Breathwork.
Originally from France, Guillaume Jaubert has a master’s degree from Université de Provence in chemistry and education, and was a mathematics/physics/chemistry professor at the University of Vincennes. Guillaume is a certified mindfulness and meditation instructor, certified Advanced Soma Breathwork instructor, transformational neuro-somatic therapy coach, and gifted painter.
Qi-Gong Sound Bath, with Mervyn Alphonse
If you’re looking for a way to de-stress and relax, then a gong bath might just be the solution for you. Gong bath therapy is a type of sound healing that uses gongs to induce deep meditative states for relaxation and stress relief. In this class, participants lie down or sit comfortably on a yoga mat while being surrounded by the vibrations and sounds of gongs, crystal bowls, chimes, and other musical instruments. Benefits include relaxation, stress relief, and healing through the power of sound. Bring your yoga mat!
About Mervyn
Mervyn Alphonse has taught and practiced Hatha and Kundalini Yoga extensively and is certified to teach ‘Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan’. He is a certified Reiki Master and utilizes a 34” gong in his Sound Healing practice. He has also sat Zazen for several years, and has presented Yoga workshops and healing sessions at the Starwood Festival, Sirius Rising Festival, Serendipity Festival, Sacred Spaces Village at Burning Man, The Sanctuary at Phases of the Moon Festival, and at the Resonance Festival.
Creative Movement, with Utam Moses
Experience the liberating power of movement and self-expression in this 90-minute creative dance workshop. Dive into an inspiring journey where you’ll explore the language of your body and emotions, unleashing your inner artist. Utam will guide you through a variety of movement exercises, allowing you to connect with your unique rhythm and creativity. Whether you’re an experienced dancer or a complete novice, this workshop is designed for all levels, and bodies. Join us for a transformative experience, where you’ll discover the joy of free movement, connect with your body, and express yourself in a safe, and welcoming environment.
About Utam
Utam Moses is a dance theatre artist, teacher, and embodied theorist. She has performed with the Doors Project, BodyResearch of San Francisco, California, and WindshipDance of Nashville, Tennessee, among others. She has presented collaborative performance works at festivals such as Going Dutch Festival and Tennessee Women’s Theater Project. Past projects include Underneath Us, a collaborative community-based activist program that integrated film screenings, live works, community workshops and performances at Sunrise Movement marches in California for environmental justice. Her current dance film, OVERANDOVER was a selected film for the Critical Mass: Contact Improvisation at 50 Festival and will be shown at the Moving Body Festival 2022 in Varna, Bulgaria, and as part of the Moving States Arts Film Series in Providence, Rhode Island. Past films include This Old Place Pt. 1 and 2, which was shown at MildClimate Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee as part of a solo exhibition, and performance of “What was When,” part of an ongoing collaboration with dancer Mckay House. Utam received her B.A. in Kinesiology and Contemporary Dance with a focus in Anthropology of Dance from IU Bloomington, graduating summa cum laude. She received her M.A. in Performance Studies from NYU’s Tisch School for the Arts.
Drum Circle Workshop, with Julian Douglas
This workshop provides people with a framework of language and concepts that help them have more confidence in participating in free improvisation drum circles.
About Julian and Rhythm Arise
Julian Douglas is a Remo Health Rhythms trained facilitator and a recipient of the Indiana Arts Commission On-Ramp Fellowship, with 25 years of experience facilitating drum and dance circles. He is also a world percussion teacher and performing percussionist. Raised by a jazz pianist, Julian’s childhood was an immersive education in music with a strong emphasis on rhythm. His studies have included elements of the music and traditions of various cultures including those in the African diaspora, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and India. As a composer and drum/dance circle facilitator, Julian’s focus has been to draw inspiration and knowledge from traditional music while holding a sustained value for the creative impulse of the present moment and the centrality of the individual as the source of living creativity.
Intuitive Healing 101: An Interactive Healing Experience, with Kim Crane
Embark on a transformative journey with Kim Crane’s Intuitive Healing Experience. Kim taps into your energetic field, decoding messages from body and spirit, clearing energetic blocks, and guiding you toward your highest expression. Set within a classroom format, you may either take a turn in sitting in the “hot seat” to work directly with Kim, or simply observe and learn from another’s healing experience. These healing experiences delve into energetic, frequency, and vibration healing, aligning you with your soul’s purpose. Whether you work directly with Kim, or as an observer, everyone in the room benefits from the higher frequency shifts that occur in Kim’s sessions.
About Kim and Crane Healing
Kim is dedicated to deep, permanent, transformational healing, and peak performance. She is a practiced intuitive healer and spiritual teacher. She uses her natural intuitive abilities to tune into clients in order to bring out information and guidance that is used to shape each session.
HaloPod™ – Portable Halo (salt) therapy Treatments, with Laura Chaiken
Ultra fine, dry salt aerosol is dispersed into the clear enclosed HaloPod™ portable tent, providing a condensed 10 minutes halotherapy treatment equal to a 45-minute salt cave session. Sit in the chair and relax, breathe normally, practice deep breathing, meditate. The pharmaceutical-grade pure sodium chloride used for Halotherapy is natural, safe, and super absorbent, and helps reduce inflammation and open airway passages in 1 month- to 100-year-olds. Dry salt inhalation helps thin mucus, dissolve bacteria, pollution, and allergens in the respiratory tract. You may feel a tickle in your throat and have to cough, sneeze, or blow your nose due to excess mucus buildup. This is an indication halotherapy is working to remove mucus and toxins from the airways.
Precautions: Not recommended If you are currently receiving chemotherapy or radiation, have lung insufficiency, contagious disease or open skin wound.
About Laura and the Bloomington Salt Cave
Chris and Laura Chaiken designed and built Bloomington Salt Cave with the specific requirements of a Halotherapy treatment, creating a tranquil, meditative salt-air environment. After visiting other salt caves, they knew it was what they wanted to offer to the community as a place to experience mental and physical health. They are Members of the World Halotherapy and Salt Therapy Associations. They now provide HaloPod™ portable salt therapy services for events such as Shadowfest.
Psychic Readings, with Kim Crane
Kim decodes messages from body and spirit, tapping into your energies, frequencies, and vibrations to guide you toward your soul’s purpose.
About Kim and Crane Healing
Kim is dedicated to deep, permanent, transformational healing, and peak performance. She is a practiced intuitive healer and spiritual teacher. She uses her natural intuitive abilities to tune into clients in order to bring out information and guidance that is used to shape each session.