2024 Solar Eclipse in Bloomington Indiana

Event Guidelines

Ticket PoliciesSuggested Packing ListPets
Maximum Space and OccupancyArrivalAccess
General ComfortDepartureRefunds
Unauthorized SolicitorsFoodParking
Leave No TraceGeneral ConductAlcohol
Prohibited ItemsSmoking and VapingSafety
Festival Waiver
  • Tickets are required for all people ages 6+
  • Children under age 6 are free.
  • Children under age 18 will not be admitted without an adult.
  • Campers are required to buy one 3-day festival ticket for each member of their party aged 6 or older.
  • Campers who arrive without enough tickets will be required to purchase additional tickets at the gate price.
  • Your Tent
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Ear protection for children
  • One flashlight per person
  • Sleeping pads or cots
  • Chairs or other comfortable sit-upons
  • A drum or other percussion instrument for the Monday drum circle
  • A yoga mat and blanket, if you plan to participate in Wellness Village sessions.
  • Your favorite disc for the Karst Farm disc golf course.

Dogs and cats are welcome. Leashes, containment and cleanup are mandatory, and we will provide a designated dog walking area. Pets that are aggressive to humans or other pets, and human owners who do not contain or clean up after their pets will be asked to board their pet or leave. No refunds will be offered. Animals must be noted when camping is purchased.

When you make a reservation, please make note of the space allotted to your chosen camp site, and to the maximum occupancy permitted on the site. Your tent, your people, and the rest of your gear must all fit within the space allotted. Upon arrival, the wristbands you receive will be limited to the number of people listed in your reservation. No one will be permitted on Fairgrounds property without a Shadowfest wristband.

Those who are camping at the Fairgrounds may arrive at any time between 10:00am on Saturday, April 6th and 10:00am on Monday, April 8th. Unless you have purchased a Car-Camping or RV site you will not be able to park by your tent. From 10:00am-4:00pm on April 6, and from 8:00am-4:00pm on April 7 you will be permitted to drive your car close to your site to unload, and then will be directed to park in a designated lot elsewhere on the Fairgrounds. At other times, unless you need special accommodation due to physical limitations, camping items will need to be carried from your car to your site.

Everyone must have a wristband in order to enter the campgrounds during the event. Wristbands must be worn on the wrist at all times. Broken wristbands may be exchanged at the Customer Service Kiosk. The entire broken band must be surrendered to get a replacement. No one under the age of 18 will be admitted to the grounds without a parent or guardian or a previously-issued wristband.

Parking is permitted in designated areas only. Coming and going of cars and RVs will not be permitted. One tow vehicle may be parked with an RV, provided it fits within the space allotted to your site. RVers, you must include the total length of your combined vehicles at registration so we can match you to a good location. An additional towed vehicle may be parked in a separate on-site parking lot. There are several areas designated for qualified Handicapped Parking. If you require one of these spaces, please include that information in the “Special Requests” area during registration. Unauthorized or non-permitted vehicles parked anywhere on the fairgrounds will be towed at the owner’s expense.

We anticipate heavy traffic everywhere within the path of totality immediately following the eclipse. We recommend packing up your campsite after the eclipse, enjoying Karst Farm Park, and participating in some of our post-eclipse activities rather than spending that time sitting in your car parked on the highway. Gates will close at 7:00pm on Monday, April 8th.

We expect this festival to sell out very quickly, so we encourage you to reserve a camping spot as early as possible. That said, due to the nature of this very special event, we’re unable to offer any refunds for any reason. Exchanges from one type of campsite to another may be possible subject to availability. In terms of the odds of good visibility, this location is one of the best possible places to be inside the path of totality for the eclipse, but we obviously can’t guarantee the weather. All scheduled festival events will proceed rain or shine.

The festival will provide restrooms and free potable water in many locations around the grounds. Lots of food and some supplies will be available for purchase on-site. RV campsites include electrical outlets; and electricity suitable for charging electronics will be available in Indoor and Sheltered tent camping areas. Other electrical outlets around the fairgrounds are for the exclusive use of vendors and Shadowfest staff. Lost and Found will be located at the Customer Service Kiosk. A dumping service is available for RVers for a $25 fee.

Attendees may bring their own food for consumption at their camp site, and ice to refill coolers will be available for purchase on-site; however, for safety reasons, no open fires of any kind will be permitted. Food will also be available for purchase on-site. Picnicking will be permitted at the main stage field subject to available space. No picnicking will be permitted in other non-camping activity areas on the Fairground properties, but is permitted next door at Karst Farm Park.

No outside alcohol of any kind will be allowed in the non-camping areas on the festival grounds. Beer, wine and mixed drinks will be available for purchase. An “Over 21” wristband is required for alcohol service, but it is the responsibility of campers to enforce underage drinking laws on their own sites. Wristbands will be issued upon arrival after IDs have been checked and will also be available at the Customer Service Kiosk. We reserve the right to refuse to serve alcohol to anyone.

We will have Medical Professionals on-site 24 hours a day and stationed at our centralized Safety Shack. Should you get separated from your child, lost parents are asked to check in at the Safety Shack, as children who are looking for their parent(s) will be brought there to be reunited. There will also be a 24-hour security presence; however, the festival is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. That means you’ll need to remove all your own trash before you leave. There will be places on-site to dump trash and recycling.

No unauthorized food, merchandise, sponsorship, on-site marketing, sampling, vending, coupon/product distribution, services, or other promotional/advertising activity may be conducted at Shadowfest (inclusive of parking lots). If you would like to be an authorized vendor, please visit our Vendor Page.

Campsites during this event will be close together, and since we want you and everyone around you to have a good time, please be considerate of others and follow the rules listed below. In the event of a dispute and failure to resolve, Shadowfest staff and our security personnel will ask violators to remove themselves permanently from the property and no refunds will be issued.

  • In the camping areas please limit strong scents and bright lights, and speak quietly.
  • In all areas of the Fairgrounds, fighting and other forms of violence will not be tolerated, nor will loud or disruptive behavior resulting from intoxication.
  • Sexual harassment or misconduct, and public nudity will result in immediate expulsion.
  • Refrain from urination anywhere other than in restrooms and port-o-lets.
  • Use supplied washing areas for tooth-brushing and refrain from other spitting in camping areas.

Smoking is permitted only in designated smoking areas. Vaping is prohibited in the mainstage area or in other crowded areas. Please mind your butts! Cigarette butts can start fires and take up to nine months to decompose. Please dispose of your butts in designated receptacles in smoking areas.

Any of the following items will be confiscated and may or may not be returned at the end of the event.

  • No Firearms or other weapons of any kind, including knives (The Monroe County Fairgrounds is private property).
  • No illegal substances of any kind.
  • Do not videotape or audiotape festival performers. If you wish to acquire a copy of their recordings please visit authorized merchandise tents.
  • No laser pointers.
  • No campfires, cooking fires, or fires of any kind.
  • No cooking or grilling of any kind.
  • No flammable items of any kind, including gas/fuel, candles, prayer lanterns, tiki torches and fireworks.
  • No gas-powered external generator or gas cans.
  • No glass or glass containers are permitted outside the camping areas.
  • No drones.
  • No helium tanks.
  • No threatening signs or apparel.
  • No music or amplified instruments may be played anywhere on the campgrounds.
  • No spray paint.
  • No Frisbees or other projectiles may be used on the Fairgrounds property. However, the adjoining Karst Farm Park has plenty of room for sports activities and has a proper Disc Golf course.

By purchasing a ticket or camp site; participating as a staff member, volunteer, vendor, sponsor or service provider; or attending Shadowfest, located at the Monroe County Fairgrounds, Bloomington, Indiana, attendee exempts, waives, and releases Released Parties from any and all liability for wrongful death, personal injury, and property damage, including, but not limited to liability arising from the negligence of Released Parties; and transfer the risk of loss arising out of the participation in the Activities to the Participant or person executing this Agreement.

“Released Parties” mean Solar Eclipse Bloomington, LLC, The Monroe County Fairgrounds, and each of their insurance carriers, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, members, representatives, assignees, employees, volunteers, vendors and agents, as well as any Activity sponsors and equipment manufacturers and distributors.

“Activity” and “Activities” mean engaging in any activity for Shadowfest on site, located at the Monroe County Fairgrounds, Bloomington, Indiana; participation in any other events or activity offered by Released Parties or their sponsors; and/or using for any purpose the Released Parties’ permit area, rented areas, property, grounds, trails, facilities, buildings, features, amenities, parking lots, sidewalks, or equipment, including, but not limited to bathrooms, rented buses, event transportation, vendor booths, sponsor booths and/or rental equipment.

“Me”, “Myself”, and “I”, means the adult, being at least 18 years old, who is accepting these terms on behalf of Myself and, if applicable as a result of my purchase of frequency or pass products, tickets, admissions, on behalf of a minor and/or other adult. “Minor” means the minor Participant. The person actually taking part in the activity is referred to as “Participant”.

In consideration of being allowed to participate in the Activities, on behalf of Myself and all other Participants, I agree as follows:

  1. Dangers and Risks:  Participating in the Activity is hazardous and involves the risk of physical injury or death.  The dangers and risks of the Activities include, but are not limited to: falling; slick or uneven surfaces; variations in terrain; design and condition of man-made facilities, rocks and debris; local wildlife, ponds, marked and unmarked obstacles; adverse weather; and limited access to and/or delay of medical attention. I acknowledge that the description of the dangers and risks listed above is not complete and that participating in Shadowfest may be dangerous and may include other risks, including, but not limited to the acts, omissions, representations, carelessness, and negligence of Released Parties.
  2. Release and Indemnification:  By purchasing a ticket to Shadowfest, I, on my own behalf and, if applicable, on behalf of Minor and adult Participant(s), acknowledge the risks and dangers associated with the Activities and agree to (1) assume any and all risks of injury or death to Participant resulting from participation in any Activity; (2) waive, release, and not sue or file any actions or claims against Released Parties that are based on, arise or result from, in whole or in part, participation in any Activities and/or the purchase of passes, tickets, or other products or services, including, but not limited to negligence, premises liability or breach of contract claims; and (3) indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against any liability or damage of any kind and from any suits, claims or demands, including legal fees and expenses whether or not in litigation, arising out of, or related to, Participant’s participation in the Activity and/or the purchase of passes, tickets, or other products or services.
  3. Media Release:  I give Released Parties permission to take and use photographs or recordings of Participant taken during an Activity and use and sublicense such material for any purpose in print, advertisements, films or videos and on line and broadcast presentations of any sort.
  4. Medical Care: I authorize the Released Parties to call for medical care for Participant or to transport Participant to a medical facility or hospital if, in their opinion, medical attention is needed. I agree to pay all costs associated with such medical care and related transportation.
  5. Acknowledgment:  By accepting this Agreement and purchasing a ticket on behalf of any Participants other than Myself, I am representing under penalty of fraud that I am entitled to execute this Agreement as either the parent or legal guardian of the Participant or that I have been given the express authority and permission from the other adult Participants to accept the terms of this Agreement on each of their behalf, and that by doing so, I am agreeing to be personally responsible for any claims brought by any other Participant, should they refuse to accept the terms of this Agreement.
  6. Non-Transferable/Confiscation/Access:  All passes and tickets are not transferrable. PASSES AND TICKETS DO NOT GUARANTEE ACCESS. RELEASED PARTIES RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE OR DENY ENTRY OR PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES AT THEIR SOLE DISCRETION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY OR OTHER REASONS. No passes or tickets may be resold.  Passes and tickets may be confiscated and not re-issued if, in the sole judgment of the Released Parties the Participant: a) acts in a manner that could endanger the safety of any person; b) violates the law; or c) engages in fraud or misconduct or creates a nuisance. Re-issued passes may be subject to a replacement fee. I agree to immediately notify Shadowfest staffl and/or authorities if my ticket is lost or stolen and that failure to do so may result in loss of event admittance. I also understand and acknowledge that this ticket is non-refundable.
  7. Miscellaneous: This Agreement will apply for every day a Participant engages in any Activity in relation to Shadowfest without requiring Me or Participant to sign an additional Agreement for each day, until a new release of liability and waiver of legal rights is executed by or on behalf of Me or Participant, or I revoke it in writing and that writing is accepted in writing, signed by the Released Parties’ authorized representative. All claims arising from or related to any Activity by Participant, including for injury to person or property and/or death shall be governed by Indiana law, without regard to conflicts of law principles, and that exclusive jurisdiction shall be in the State District Court, Marion County, Indiana. This Agreement shall be binding to the fullest extent permitted by law. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the remaining terms shall be enforceable to the full extent permitted by law. This Agreement shall be binding upon my assignees, suborders, distributors, heirs, next of kin, executors and personal representatives.